15 Grilled Recipes & Cooking Lessons to Help You Master the Grill!
Are you tired of cooking in pans and pots all day, every day?
Homemade food is amazing but there’s just something about rolling out a grill with your barbecue prep station to make your day and leave the dirty dishes for the next one.

This is a mouth-watering combo of:
Customize the sweetness and spiciness to suit your palate but don’t worry, the thick sauce texture is always present and turns any kind of cut to paleo, taking you back to the caveman days when things were simpler and much tastier.

Ditch the carbs and embrace the protein with this powerful palate punch that imparts that smoked jerky flavor to every piece of barbecue. Using the following:
this is a sauce you’ll want to put on all your food.

Who can resist the hearty and delightful spicy flavor of a nicely crusted barbecue?
Crunch into this one:
– you’ll be begging for more as soon as you’re done.

High fructose corn syrup is added to all junk food, including store-bought barbecue sauces, to make it addictive, so why not make your own without any sugar whatsoever?
You’ll need:
to liberate your tastebuds of the HFCS oppression.

Ginger, oregano and cinnamon are an awesome trio of natural spices that impart exquisite aroma to everything you put them in, so here’s how to make them dance on your barbecue cuts.
The ingredients are:

Meatless barbecues are a thing too and just wait until you see what they offer:
brilliant burgers with:
Mexican burgers with:
sizzlingskewers with
These vegan yummies are brought to you by none other than the famous UK cook, Jamie Oliver.

To increase your brawn, chomp down on tasty barbecued prawn. It will take you:

It’s time to get in touch with the Mother Earth, this time literally as you grab a shovel and start digging a hole where your barbecue pit is about to appear.
You can make your barbecue pit as fancy or as simple as you’d like, and it’s incredible how many types there are:
(be warned, that last one will make you fall in love with it)!

Grilling meat can be really tricky business when we’re so hungry that we could eat the grill with the utensils and that hunger nudges us into taking the meat off before it’s ready for safe consumption.
Follow the link above for some juicy tips on grilling burgers as well as a bonus recipe for homemade ones that you’ll love until the end of the grilling season does you part.

Is there anything better than to chill while making a perfect salmon grill?
Selecting, preparing and grilling the salmon is smooth sailing when the barbecue masters show you the ropes (hint: choose thicker cuts from the head, rinse under cold water, pat down and let sit in room temperature).

Kids are the pickiest eaters ever so when you serve them these Buffalo wings and they lick their fingers and the plate, you know you’ve got a winner.
Mild Buffalo sauce:
is the key ingredient and once you get the hang of it you’re golden, just like your grilled Buffalo wings.

From grill to your mouth in 15 minutes or less, Mexican food boasts some of the most convenient and flexible grillable foods in the world.
From chicken tortillas and black bean chimichangas to fish tacos and barbecue tostadas, you’ll crunch it all down to the very last crumb (that’s a promise).

Grilling ribs is quite a challenge but by now you’re already a seasoned barbecue chef, aren’t you?
From trimming the rack to manageable size and giving it a spicy backrub to creating smoke, grilling process itself and steaming the ribs with apple juice, you’ll suddenly realize how easy it is to have a fantastic grilling experience.

Did you know that grilling a food produces caramel and that it’s actually the brown stuff we always wait for?
You’ll learn everything about the science of grilling veggies with this handy collection of tips, such as to cut up large veggies into small chunks so they grill evenly.

You’ll squeal with delight as you prep, sear, temper, smokify, glaze and bite into the best the world has to offer.
No matter which recipe you want to try is, preparing an electric griddle and your favorite foods, you can enjoy a wonderful meal. What are your experiences with doing any or all of the above?