8 Fall Vegetables That Are Often Overlooked by Students

Vegetables are a must-have in everyone’s diet. They are rich in fiber, B vitamins, and minerals one can barely find in the same volumes in other products. More so, they are crucial for those who have little to no time or skills in cooking. Such people tend to care less about what they eat and may find vegetables tasteless or ‘boring,’ thus missing out on the whole variety of products and nutrients.

Students are among those people. Many of them barely have time for proper sleep, and sometimes, the only people who can help them are professional writers. For instance, EssayPro offers students essay writing services when they cannot handle all the chores and tasks without sacrificing their health. So, there are always more options than you may think: you can both keep up with your studies and have time to relax and address your basic needs.

Proper nutrition is one of those needs. And without vegetables, your diet is incomplete. Those should compose about 50% products one consumes on a daily basis. And that 50% shouldn’t be anything but potatoes. As we said, there are many more options! So, in this article, we will guide you through the list of the top 8 vegetables you can find in groceries in the fall. Also, check out the easiest recipes out there to make your diet rich and nutritious!


Yes, this list starts with one of the most boring vegetables many people don’t like because of its bland taste. At least, that is the taste they had probably got from overcooked florets that turned pale after being boiled for half an hour and put as a side dish to something yummy.

What if somebody told you you could get a crispy and nutritious dish made of broccoli that actually packs a lot of flavor? Well, all you need is to simmer it until it turns greener than it was and bake it for another 7 minutes with garlic, salt, and paprika. There is even a simpler version:

  • simmer the florets for 6 minutes (they should be al-dente);
  • melt butter;
  • put broccoli on a plate;
  • add salt;
  • top the vegetables off with butter.

Bon appetit!


Beetroot might not be the most popular vegetable in recipes, but it has a lot to offer. Beet greens are an amazing addition to salads, and the root can be used as the main nutrient in a dish. It tastes best when cut into strips, sprinkled with lemon juice or vinegar, and furnished with chopped parsley and nuts (fans of garlic can add it there too). It is a perfect source of fiber, chromium, potassium, iron, and vitamin C, and whether fresh or boiled, it adds sweetness to the dish.


Just as with broccoli, the simplest recipe would be to boil it till it’s al-dente and top it off with salt, melted butter, and preferred spices. Sounds like the most optimal choice for students, doesn’t it?

However, it also tastes good roasted, grilled, baked (actually, it is even more suitable for baking since its florets are juicier, hence do not get burnt so quickly), and as an addition to pureed and regular soups. If you want something crispier, try roasting the florets in batter and spices. This is the least healthy option but probably the tastiest one…


One might think it’s a total headache to cook eggplants because of the bitter taste that might appear, finding suitable spices, or preparation. But actually, there is a recipe that requires no cooking skills except for knowing how to:

  • poke holes in eggplants with a fork;
  • wrap the vegetables in foil;
  • set a timer on the oven or microwave;
  • after 40 minutes (or 20 in a microwave), cut the eggplants into cubes;
  • and mix them with pieces of butter and salt.

You can also cut fresh eggplants in stripes, dip them in batter, and fry them. That will take 20 minutes of your time and definitely diversify your diet.


Both roots and stocks are edible, even though celery stocks are more popular. Celery root, or celeriac, is one of the least attractive vegetables you might see on grocery shelves. It resembles a mandrake root but has a different shape. Yet, it’s actually quite tasty, especially when it only starts appearing in groceries – juicy, it reminds of apples. 

In contrast to the stocks of celery, its taste is mostly neutral, and it also can be used as a substitute for salt. In turn, leaves are meant to create bright flavors. They make a good match with butter and apples as a garnish and stand out fresh in salads.

Pumpkin and Squash

Yes, pumpkins are meant not only for carving on Halloween and for decoration. Basically, you can cook from them anything you’d like: puree, soup, stew, pie. You can even add it to smoothies or eat it fresh, just like fruits! 

Squashes and pumpkins are a good match with garlic, paprika, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, and chili. There are numerous types of pumpkins and squashes, and each of them is suitable for particular dishes:

  • Cinderella (best for savory dishes)
  • Long Island Cheese (tastes good in every kind of dish you’d like to have a sweet flavor)
  • Butternut squash (roasted dishes)
  • Jarrahdale (smoothies and pies)
  • Hybrid Pam (suitable for pumpkin pies)
  • Red Kuri (also a cool substitute for potatoes in a stew)
  • Fairytale (good for baking and pureed soups)

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts are rich in vitamin K, which strengthens the immune system. They can be cooked according to the simmer-melt-salt recipe introduced in this article before, but that’s not all. Shred them just like cabbage or cut them in halves and brown them on a pan with soy sauce and ground ginger. Or, bake them with garlic, add nuts, fresh bell pepper, and salad leaves. 


Just like pumpkins, this genus has a whole lot to offer:

  • Watermelon radish (the least spicy type, very juicy and serves as a perfect decoration for dishes)
  • Malaga radish (spicy but also sweet)
  • Daikon (juicy and refreshing, can be spicy sometimes)
  • French Breakfast radish

In contrast to other vegetables on the list, radishes are rarely cooked and usually added to salads or served as a side dish.

Summing Up

As you can see, the listed vegetables do not require much of your time, and almost all of them taste well with butter and salt while offering savory, spicy, and sweet flavors. Fans of salads are welcome to mix the listed products with lemon juice or vinegar. Or, you can sprinkle them with spices and oil and bake them for about 20 minutes – one of the easiest snacks to have before classes. And, of course, there are pumpkins you can use even for desserts. 

So, it’s not only about potatoes – there is a whole variety of vegetables to diversify your diet with. And in this article, we have only listed the ones you can easily find in the fall. Don’t forget about other vegetables like carrots, bell pepper, onion, zucchini, and various types of cabbage. In combination with greens, cheese, and nuts, they are a good source of energy for the whole day, which is crucial for busy students.

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