About Me

Hi there!
Hi, my name is Chidinma. I’ve been happily married for 4+ years (actually almost 6 years now), and my husband and I have been trying to have our own children for almost all the time we’ve been married, with no success…yet. We haven’t lost hope (far from it), and we believe it will happen very soon.
Due to the number of emails I’ve been getting regarding my journey, I’ve finally decided to share this openly. Some of my readers will know this about me-the problem isn’t getting pregnant, the problem is staying pregnant. I’ve had a series of unexplained miscarriages, but the doctors are confident that the last time will be the last. We pray so!
When two or more people are gathered in a kitchen, good food isn’t the only thing that is showcased. There’s an absolute warmth and camaraderie in the air, because we only let people we trust absolutely into our kitchens; this is the same effect I hope to produce with this blog.
Fruitful Kitchen is about bringing different people in to enjoy good, healthier food, while giving them the chance to feel free to talk about their experiences in life. I have found great solace in talking about my journey with other people, and I hope my readers find the same solace in me. I also hope to be able to give my readers some cause to smile through my journey and the journeys of others who will be so kind as to share here.
Most of my recipes are catered towards women with fertility issues, especially fibroids, PCOS, and Endometriosis. Sometimes, however, my sweet tooth will get the better part of me, and I’ll share the recipes with you as well. Please, enjoy them, and let me know what you think.
All emails (apart from food posts) will be published anonymously with the consent of the sender ALWAYS.
Hugs and Kisses,
Chidinma Zee
Email: chidinma@fruitfulkitchen.org