Cooking Tips for People with Digestion Issues

It's estimated that up to 70% of people in the United States regularly suffer from digestion issues. If you're part of this group and want to be more proactive when it comes to avoiding discomfort, then take a look at the tips below. These cooking secrets may help improve your digestion so you can eat without aches and pains.

1. Watch Out for Dairy

If you're sensitive to dairy, be careful not to use it without even realizing it. Hidden dairy ingredients are found in instant mashed potatoes, bread, hot dogs, lunch meat, and many other foods you might have in your kitchen. To avoid these, always read through the list of ingredients to look out for red flags. Hydrolysates, kefir, casein, and lactalbumin are ingredients that often contain dairy and can cause discomfort.

2. Use the Right Oil

Whether you're scrambling eggs or sautéing a steak, it's important to use oils that will digest quickly and effectively. Coconut oil is one of the most popular choices because it contains MCTs, which metabolize quickly. This oil is also less likely to oxidize, which maintains the quality for longer. Another good option is olive oil, which contains oleic acid and monounsaturated fats, both of which can help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol levels in your blood.

Both coconut and olive oil are great for lubrication within your digestive system, which can help with bowel movements. Use these to cook with and you may find improved regularity with bathroom visits.

3. Incorporate Probiotics

Probiotics can help improve your digestion when it becomes a regular part of your diet. While you can take supplements that include probiotics, they can also be found in a wide variety of foods you can cook at home. According to Sibo Survivor, yogurt is one of the most well-known foods that contains probiotics. If you eat this, you'll want to watch out for sugar content and added dyes in pre-made yogurts to avoid potential digestive distress.

Beyond yogurt, probiotics can be found in kefir, tempeh, kimchi, kombucha, and miso. If you can't fit any of these in your everyday diet, then you may want to consider turning to a daily supplement.

4. Try Raw Veggies

Instead of cooking your veggies, try eating them raw more frequently. Without heat, food can digest more effectively and may help you avoid pain or discomfort. If you aren't a fan of completely uncooked vegetables, then try sautéing them for just a few minutes. Keeping them crunchy can still help aid with digestion.

5. Incorporate Foods Easily Digested

When you're in the kitchen, it's important to eat foods that can easily be digested by the body. This includes eggs, bananas, grains, chicken, cottage cheese (if you're not sensitive to dairy), and yogurt. Try any of these the next time you're cooking a meal or preparing a snack and you might be surprised by how much better you feel.

6. Cook Starches Properly

Rice and potatoes may not be foods you have to avoid just because of digestive issues. Fortunately, there are techniques for cooking these that can make them easier to digest. For cooking rice, you'll want to begin by soaking it for at least twenty minutes to remove lectins. After this, add water and cook all the way through until the rice is no longer firm. When finished, allow the rice to cool until it's completely chilled, as this will help make it easier to digest when consumed.

To cook potatoes, boil in water for 20 to 30 minutes until they are tender. When cooked through, drain the water and place potatoes in the fridge until completely cooled, then consume.

A More Comfortable Life

By getting in the kitchen with the tips and tricks above, you may find some much-needed relief from digestive issues. Fortunately, each solution is easy to incorporate with little to no effort. Try them out to see how much they benefit you daily.

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