Healthy Eating on a Student Budget

Student years are fun but at the same time a difficult time. Most students living separately from their parents save on the bare necessities. Therefore, even among yesterday’s supporters of healthy eating, instant noodles, rolls from the nearest dining room and sandwiches with mayonnaise appear on the menu. During student time you need to save money, save time and cope with everyday tasks. It’s not so easy. That is why you can always find help with online writing services. The experts of highlight the importance of professional quality of work. Also an excellent result in any discipline.In youth, health is like air: students do not notice it while it is. Students may even neglect sleep while doing homework, but this is not very smart and they should turn to professionals who are happy to write health research topics for students and let them sleep for an hour or two more. Similarly, a diet of fast food and snacks on the go can bring even a twenty-year-old person into the office of a gastroenterologist. About 35% of gastritis patients in America are college-aged youth. In order not to replenish medical statistics, you need to adhere to a balanced diet. You don’t need a lot of money for this – the student budget will withstand proper nutrition.

Important to Know

Intense mental work requires no fewer calories than physical activity, so meals should not be chaotic. Young people who study need three meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Most often, young people skip breakfast, preferring to sleep 10 minutes longer. Try not to do this, but eat porridge with meat or fish, cottage cheese or kefir before class. If you have a good breakfast in the morning, the second breakfast can be symbolic: yogurt or a bun. For lunch, try to eat vegetables, side dishes, meat, but dinner should be easy.

Widespread among students of all ages, the habit of skipping breakfast is one of the most harmful. It is desirable that the main meals were for breakfast and lunch, and in the evening you could get along with salad, fruit, yogurt. Of the young people who skip breakfast to eat after lessons, we get the adults who eat heavily once a day – before bedtime.

Another student habit is a passion for snacks, fast foods, and drinks with dyes. You should not completely exclude chips, hot dogs and Pepsi from the diet. Firstly, it’s better to “get addicted” with such food in youth, and secondly, the more strict prohibitions are, the higher is the risk of breaking loose and starting to abuse junk food. Therefore, try to eat crackers, nuts, and chips as rarely as possible, between the “Coke” and mineral water, choose mineral water.

Despite the busy student schedule, try to eat without haste. A snack on the go is better than starving, but snacking will be the exception, and hot dishes and fresh fruits and vegetables are the rules.

Useful Menu for those who Like to Eat Cheap

It seems that the right diet does not go well with student opportunities, but it is not. On the contrary, you will save if you switch to good nutrition.

Breakfast: Boiled eggs, rice or buckwheat, brown bread with butter, tea or coffee. Second breakfast: kefir, yogurt or a bun.

Lunch: Vegetable soup or chicken stock, pasta, coleslaw, juice or tea.

Dinner: Tomato and cucumber salad, cottage cheese, apple, tea.

This menu of 3 meals contains 1665 kcal, 122 gr. protein, 64 gr. fat and 192 gr. carbohydrates. All this fits into the daily norm, and the products really contain useful vitamins and elements that allow the body to function normally throughout the day. So the myth that proper nutrition is expensive is completely dispelled. And if you still don’t believe it, try the experiment yourself.

Mushrooms as Fine Meat Substitute

Some even call them “white meat.” Why not? By nutritional value and satiety, they do not lag behind meat at all. In addition, in the summer they will not have to be bought at all – you can stock up on them for a year ahead! Go to the forest, collect them, dry or simply ask relatives to do it for you.

Mushrooms are great both as an independent dish and as a side dish, additives, decorations. Fry, cook soup, marinate, add to a salad or eat with onions and butter – mushrooms are incredibly tasty, cheap and healthy, but only if you know how to collect them and not get poisoned.

Meat as an Indispensable Product

If you like meat, but don’t like any “substitutes” for this product, do this: buy some chicken backs/necks or a set for the broth, cook in a large saucepan or stew with potatoes. The smell of meat will definitely be, and in places, it will even taste!

Student Food: What Should be in Each Closet

Well, in addition to pleasant and useful substitutes for expensive food, each student in the warehouses should have the following products:

  • Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, barley, pearl barley, oatmeal, peas – all this is suitable for cooking both the first, and second, and independent dishes;
  • Pasta – as much as possible and in any form. This product is each student’s alpha and omega nutrition;
  • Tomato paste (it is better to replace the beloved ketchup with it) and, of course, mayonnaise. Without these products, not a single student can imagine his/her life;
  • Beets, peppers, tomatoes, onions, cabbage. Even if you do not eat these vegetables, they should still be. To be, and this is the end of the conversation;
  • Potato. This product is generally a substitute for everything. You can eat it together with cereals, and instead of vegetables, and instead of meat. Fried, boiled, steamed, braised. One single phrase – respect for potatoes.

Sum up

The student is always hungry. And this is normal: young people should not spend their time on healthy and quality food but on entertainment. After all, for this we have been given youth, isn’t it? But it’s better to maintain at least a piece of health so that in the near future do not run to the doctors and heal the wounds resulting from unhealthy nutrition. Therefore, we decided to tell you about how to eat cheaply for a student, and so that the food does not bring much harm to our health and we hope that you will take our recommendations to your notice.

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