How to Make a Moscow Mule for Your Next Family Party

Coordinating a successful party is quite a feat. Despite the party size, certain intricacies go into the preparation process. Note that a family party is not just an immediate family. Many of these functions involve close friends and neighbors.

With this in mind, it is critical to have excursions, meals, and drinks that are popular and convenient for everyone involved. Remember that you are dealing with different people, all with varying preferences. Finding a cocktail that is a fan favorite requires plenty of research.

One cocktail has been a big hit at family parties over the years-the Moscow Mule. This drink is easy to make and guarantees your guests a good time. This function’s primary aim is to bring families together and strengthen their ties. It is also an opportunity to bond, relax and catch up. The Moscow mule is designed for these specific purposes and is a drink that is causing waves worldwide.

The Moscow Mule: What You Need to Know

This cocktail is one of the first-ever blended drinks of the 21st century. Developed in the 1940s, the Moscow mule is a blend of vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice and topped off with a piece of lime as garnish. Contrary to popular belief, this drink is not a Russian concoction.

It was first developed on Los Angeles Boulevard by accident. Its popularity came from the blend of ingredients working perfectly to complement each other. People back then preferred gin to vodka, but this drink drastically shifted this narrative. The ginger flavor in the cocktail supplemented the strength of the vodka to make it potent.

The name came from the fact that vodka is primarily associated with Russia-hence Moscow. The mule part originated from the kick you get when you taste it. This drink is easy to make, and the ingredients haven’t changed since its inception.

The drink is a tremendous hit in many circles. Many people think it is a girly drink, but this is not true. While the color and the sweet smell are deceptive, this cocktail packs quite a punch. The Moscow mule has been underground for a while, but with the inclusion of other classic vodka cocktails today, it is making a quick recovery. Here is a short procedure on how to make a Moscow Mule.

How to Make a Moscow Mule

This classic American cocktail has three primary ingredients. The blend of these three will depend on the number of people you want to serve and how sloshed you need to be. Keep in mind that although this drink is sweet, it is potent. The contents are ginger beer, vodka, and lime. You may decide to add an extra ingredient depending on your preferences.


One glass of the Moscow mule needs 4 ounces of ginger beer, 2 ounces of vodka, and half a lime. Use these measurements strictly as they are to achieve the desired results. These figures are for one glass, but if you are making the cocktail for a large number, you can increase the quantity based on these measurements.

How to Begin

Start by squeezing the half lime into a cup/glass. Pour the vodka into a glass and then top it off with the ginger beer. Drop in a couple of ice cubes to keep it chilled. You can start with the ice or drop it in after. Either way, the result is the same. Use large size ice cubes that take time to melt. The reason is the water from the ice may dilute the drink and change the taste. It’s a simple process that does not require any mixing equipment. All you need is the three ingredients, and you’re ready to go.

The Moscow Mule is a common feature in many clubs and private functions. It is sweet, easy to make, and a fan favorite. If you are looking for a drink to complement your next family party, this is it.

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