Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes You Can Make in Your Waffle Iron
When becoming vegan, there’s often the stigma or belief that cooking a delicious meal involves countless steps and ingredients, but these recipes counter that stereotype perfectly.
You can make these vegan recipes at home in minutes right out of your waffle iron with just a few ingredients. Vegan cooking has never been so easy and delicious with these recipes.
Elevated Hash-Browns

Make hash-browns in your waffle iron for a crispy, potato-ey breakfast food to start your day off right. Because the waffle iron cooks the hash-brown on both sides at once, your hash-brown will be perfectly crispy on both sides-- and you won’t even need to flip it.
These hash-browns are given a slight kick from the added spices which will elevate your breakfast game and change the way you think about a potato. Here’s how to make your own:
Preheat your waffle iron.
Shred your russet potato. Place in a bowl and cover with cold water. Let sit for 2-3 minutes, drain, and get rid of any excess moisture in the potatoes. Either squeeze your shredded potato with your hands or wrap in a light cloth to draw out water.
(*Here’s a tip*-- don’t have potatoes on hand? Use some frozen tater tots and press them into a waffle for an equally-delicious result!)
Add salt, garlic powder, paprika, and black pepper to the potato mixture. Stir together to incorporate spices.
Brush preheated waffle iron with oil or spray with vegan nonstick cooking spray. Spoon half of the potato mixture onto the waffle iron, close lid without pressing down, and cook for two minutes.
After 2 minutes, continue to cook for another 5-7. Remove from waffle iron and enjoy!
This 10-minute hash-brown waffle iron hack will leave you wanting more of the crispy, crunchy perfection after each and every bite.
Quinoa + Spaghetti Squash “Power Waffles”

Quinoa and squash-- two of the world’s greatest superfoods uniting to form one crisp and deliciously savory meal.
Preheat your waffle iron.
Start by cutting the squash in half, spooning out the seeds until clean, and roast in a 390℉ for about 20 minutes or until fork-tender(a fork can easily slide in and out)
(IN A BIND? Microwave the spaghetti squash for 10-12 minutes, or until fork-tender, face-down in a microwave-safe dish with 1 inch of water in the dish.)
Combine the spaghetti squash, cooked quinoa, coconut cream, non-dairy milk, and lime juice in a large mixing bowl. Add most of the flour, but hold off on the last tablespoon to see if it is needed. You may need to add more flour if it is too runny.
Once the “batter” becomes the consistency of a loose burger patty, add the cumin.
Place in your preheated and greased waffle iron and cook for 5-10 minutes or until golden brown. Serve and enjoy!
Loaded Waffle-dillas

Ooey-gooey, cheesy deliciousness sandwiched between two crisp tortillas; what more could you ask for?
But these waffle iron quesadillas aren’t your average quesadillas, the sharp flavors and add-ons make for a perfect snack or side dish.
Preheat your waffle iron.
Dice red onion, Roma tomatoes, and green bell pepper.
Spread vegan margarine/butter onto one side of each tortilla. Place butter-side down in your preheated waffle iron.
Sprinkle on some of your favorite vegan cheese, diced red onion, diced Roma tomatoes, and diced green bell pepper.
Top with the second tortilla butter side up.
Slowly press the waffle iron down to minimize tears in the tortilla and let cook until golden brown.
Waffle Falafel Squares

Let’s make our way over to the Mediterranean where we can find the meatless goodness of a falafel ball
These traditionally deep-fried balls of goodness can, however, can get to be pretty heavy and unhealthy. Make them in the waffle iron today for a low-fat alternative to most falafel balls.
Preheat waffle iron
Drain and rinse chickpeas, chop the onion into fourths or eights, and crush the garlic.
Blend together chickpeas, sweet onion, crushed garlic, cilantro, sesame seeds, salt, black pepper, chili flakes, coriander and cumin in a food processor until smooth.
Add the gluten-free flour one tablespoon at a time, pulsing to incorporate. Add until a dough-like mixture forms, the dough will still be sticky to the touch-- don’t add more than 8 tablespoons of flour.
Roll into balls and place in the freezer for 10-20 minutes.
Brush waffle iron with oil.
Place one falafel ball into each fourth section of the waffle iron.
Cook for 6-8 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve in gluten-free pita bread with your desired toppings.
With all of these new recipes under your belt, cooking vegan doesn’t have to be as much of a challenge. There are plenty of vegan and gluten-free options that you can make for yourself or an audience that taste delicious and are easy.
Most of these recipes need a waffle iron that will stand up to the heat of the kitchen and properly cook and crisp up your meal. If your waffle iron is struggling to keep up with these recipes, is outdated, or you’re just looking for an upgrade, here are some of the best waffle makers on the market.
These 4 simple waffle-maker recipes push the limits of vegan cooking. Try one out today and let us know what you think!