
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

How Long to Cook Salmon Patties?

Salmon patties are an easy and tasty recipe to create, perfect for busy families on a tight budget. Savoury yet zesty with an appealing crunch on the outside, they’re versatile enough to use either fresh or canned salmon. Canned sockeye or pink salmon works well in this recipe, removing any bones and skin before cutting […]

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How to Cook Frozen Crab Legs

Frozen crab legs make an excellent addition to any dinner table. Precooked and delicious when heated correctly, frozen crab legs provide the perfect comfort food! To prepare frozen crab legs, fill a large pot with water and season to taste with salt or spice as desired. Boil for five minutes then enjoy! It really couldn’t […]

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How to Get Started With Meal Prep

Tired of scrambling to figure out what to eat for dinner every night? Want to save time and reduce stress in the kitchen? If so, meal planning and prep might be just what you need! Meal planning and prep is the process of planning out your meals for the week ahead of time and preparing […]

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