What Goes with Potato Salad – 10 Delicious Dishes to Serve with Potato Salad

Whatever your recipe for devouring delicious potatoes, what goes with potato salad remains pretty much the same. Be it with a classic American salad, Greek salad with lemon juice and olive oil, or a Chinese potato salad recipe with vinegar and soy sauce.

Some even replace regular potatoes with sweet potatoes. Either way, your salad recipe is going to be both delicious and yummy. And the best part about it all is that potato salads can be paired up with just about all kinds of dishes. But let’s get specific nonetheless!

What Goes with Potato Salad – 10 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Your Potato Salad

1. Grilled Fish

Seafood, more often than not, is the least thought of and I don’t understand why that is considering just how much more delicious a grilled fish recipe can be. You can have trout, salmon, halibut, or tilapia with your potato salad. Pair it up with just about any fish, potatoes taste fantastic with seafood’s more delicate flavors.

2. Baked Ham

Baked ham is all about sweet, smoky goodness. But then the problem here is that baked ham doesn’t really fill you up. In that case, why not make a crisp, creamy potato salad also a part of your healthy, delicious meal.

3. Barbecue Ribs

If you just can’t get enough of barbecue ribs (and I can totally understand why given how savory succulent ribs can be), then pair it up with a mouth-watering cold potato salad for a change. The latter, no doubt, brings a lot of creaminess into the picture.

Let the potatoes get blanketed in the delicious, rich barbecue sauce. Cold potatoes and hot ribs – ahhh the perfect combination!

4. Grilled Shrimp

So I’ve already mentioned grilled fish, then why not grilled shrimp too!

This is yet another recipe that’s bound to taste utterly delicious with your homemade potato salad. Shrimp is juicy and plump with a clean, subtle flavor, which means your taste buds are sure to appreciate all of that with creamy potatoes.

5. Corn on the Cob

You know what’s refreshing and delicious with every cookout? Crunchy corn on the cob! Combined with potato salad, the whole meal gives your palate a delectable contrast of creamy and sweet.

Just make it a point to slather the corn with plenty of butter, be it boiled or grilled. Needless to say, add some salt and pepper too.

6. Steak

If you can afford to buy steak, then make the experience even more luxurious with delicious, hearty potatoes. Those backyard parties and get-togethers you seem to enjoy so much over weekends are certainly going to get even more delightful.

7. Hamburgers

Probably the first item that pops up in the head each time you talk about backyard parties. Because not everyone may enjoy steak but surely everybody says YES to juicy, meaty beef burgers. So you can add a chilled potato salad to all the patty goodness. Both dishes have so much flavor, no doubt. Where one is savory (burger), the other creamy (potatoes).

8. Bratwurst

If you agree with me when I say that bratwurst is simply delicious when prepared using a range of condiments, then you may also want to bring your potato salad into the mix. This is yet another appetizing combination of savory and creamy.

9. Chicken

Why leave chicken out of the list! Be it barbecued, grilled, or fried, chicken tastes wonderful ALL THE TIME. No matter what it’s served with!

Chicken that’s juicy with a crispy outer coating can taste very delicious with a hot and healthy potato salad.

10. Baked Beans

Moving away from meat, another way to devour a potato salad is to pair it up with baked beans. Sweet, spicy baked beans are sure to find their balanced flavors with creamy potatoes.

What Goes with Potato Salad – FAQs

Is Potato Salad A Main Dish?

You can prepare potato salad the right way to make it a main dish. With the help of protein as well as some complementary flavors. Many season their homemade potato salads with dill and also add ham and shrimp.

How to Make Potato Salad Better?

The most popular way for enhancing the flavor of your potato salad is roasting those potatoes rather than boiling. The former makes them crispy and adds a different texture to them. Plus, roasting, more often than not, is done with seasonings such as onion powder, cayenne pepper, salt, garlic, etc.

How to Make Store-Bought Potato Salad More Flavorful?

It’ simple – just add fresh dill or some celery seeds. These two ingredients are sure to bring out more flavor. And so do colorful, crunchy add-ons and a little bit of seasoning.

Is Potato Salad Good for the Health?

Potatoes boost bowel health, that’s for sure. And they’ve also been linked to improving the functioning of your immune system. Obviously, all this is only possible if the potatoes are cold or salad-based, meaning French Fries don’t count.

Does Potato Salad Taste Better the Next Day?

When potatoes are still warm, the seasoning you add at that time tends to get absorbed more fully. Thus, imparting more flavors that taste the best on the same day. On the other hand, a cold potato salad offers a better taste after some hours or the next day. Just make sure you don’t add fresh herbs or raw onions until you serve the salad.

The EndNote

In short, almost everything you bake, grill, or barbecue goes well with homemade or store-bought potato salad. Be it chicken, fish, shrimp, ribs, ham, and whatnot. Even corn on the cob and baked beans are wonderfully delicious choices. Sweet, savory, and creamy – that seems like the perfect combination indeed.

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