
Category Archives for "Food Tips"

How to Cook Salmon in the Oven

Baking salmon in an oven is an efficient and tasty way to prepare seafood, helping prevent overcooking by eliminating direct contact between you and the fish. Use this method for both frozen and fresh salmon fillets, along with healthy sides such as Potato Salad, Garlic Herb Roasted Vegetables, Savory Mashed Sweet Potatoes or a leafy […]

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How Long Does Salmon Last in the Fridge?

Salmon is a nutritious and flavorful seafood option that can last in the fridge for some time if stored correctly, however if stored improperly it could spoil quickly. Salmon left at room temperature for more than two hours should be discarded, whether cooked or raw, as it may contain harmful bacteria which could make you […]

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How Many Calories Are in a Burger?

If you are trying to lose weight, understanding the calorie counts of a burger is vitally important. While still enjoying this delectable treat, keeping track of its caloric intake and choosing healthier toppings are essential steps towards weight management. For an effective approach to cutting calories in your burger, choose leaner meats and low-fat condiments […]

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How to Mash Potatoes Without a Masher

There are a variety of methods you can use to mash potatoes without using a masher, including fork, whisk and food mill. All three will produce dense-textured mashed potatoes. Steaming potatoes is another healthy, creamy way to prepare them. 1. Use a Fork If you don’t own a masher, a standard fork will do the […]

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Decoding the Shelf Life of Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes may last for five days in the refrigerator when stored properly and stored in an airtight container, then heated as directed to avoid bacteria growth. Mashed potatoes that have gone bad will emit an offensive smell and taste, in addition to looking mushy and gray with dark spots. Refrigerator Mashed potatoes may last […]

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