What’s Better Buttercream Cake or Fondant Cake

It has been said and heard a zillion times that a cake is loved by all and it infuses life into every celebration. When something is so precious, how can you go wrong with it? Therefore, you put in extra effort deciding upon the icing, frosting, design, flavor, and whatnot. 

Generally, two types of cake are popular for marking occasions and festivals: buttercream and fondant. To help you select the best and the most drool-worthy cake for a happy event, we have done the research.

Here’s the difference between the two:

Buttercream Cake: A buttercream cake is baked with a combination of butter, sugar, flavorings, whipped until fluffy. Buttercream finishes range from smooth to rustic, and several patterns are created using varying piping techniques like swirls, rosettes, ruffles, ribbons, and more. Buttercream is the most common type of cake found on offline and online bakery shops. Simply put, a cake decorated with frosting in different flavor is a buttercream cake.

Pros Of Buttercream Cake: 

  1. They are creamy, moist, and delicious
  2. Buttercream is lightweight, therefore, it can be slathered on a cake easily
  3. Basic buttercream is more sugary than Meringue buttercream. So, consider this factor because not everyone likes extra sugary stuff.
  4. Can be colored and enhanced with food flavors and other ingredients.
  5. Can be decorated with different textures and effects using piping techniques and other tools.
  6. Is cost-effective than other variants of cakes

You may also like: birthday cakes shop.

Types of buttercream: 

  1. Basic buttercream: It is a sweet icing made with few ingredients like butter, sugar, and flavoring. It can be tinted with any color. A cake adorned with basic buttercream can be stored at room temperature for a day with no issue. Therefore, this type of cake is ideal for cities embracing pleasantly moderate weather throughout like Bangalore, Pune, Dehradun, etc. So,

Consider placing an online cake order in Bangalore of basic buttercream cake for your loved ones.

  1. Meringue buttercream: This icing is not too sweet and demands a little bit of practice. Egg whites are added with sugar to achieve a silky and stable texture. Meringue buttercream is colored in subtle shades like ivory.

Fondant Cake: A fondant is a clay-like dough prepared from powdered sugar, water, glycerine that is rolled thinly over a cake for a smooth and polished finish. Fondant cakes fall in the category of designer and elaborate cakes.

Pros Of Fondant Cake: 

  1. Fondant cakes are highly versatile and beautiful because fondant can be molded into different shapes, and sizes as per the requirement.
  2. It remains soft, chewy, and fresh  even after a few days of storage in the refrigerator
  3. It makes the cake look highly appealing

Now, when you have the advantages of both the cake, the choice of buttercream or fondant cake is a personal one. The decision will depend upon the aesthetic, cost, and other factors.

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